Sunday morning Q&A Sessions
Listen to a few of our Elders discuss anonymous questions about our church, Sunday morning teachings, or Christianity in general.
March 23rd, 2025 Questions:
At the members meeting Cody said all of the Gifts are represented at Candeo. Do we have people who practice the miraculous gifts?
What does the gift of prophecy look like today? How is it used? How do we know it’s the spiritual gift of prophecy and not the misuse of charismatic personality? Please give real life examples.
What if I think I’m gifted in a particular area like teaching or music but others assess that I don’t have those gifts?
At one time it was mentioned taking an assessment type quiz to help identify each persons’ gifts. Will we still do that?
April 21st, 2024 Questions:
What is the place of apologetics in the church? Is it possible that so many young people walk away from the faith because they are just told to believe without being told why to believe?
What is the difference between exegesis and eisegesis?
How should I talk about God with someone who is waiting for Him to prove Himself through a sign?
Why did men of God in the Old Testament have multiple wives?
Are the cherubim and flaming sword still guarding Eden or was it destroyed in the flood?
April 14th, 2024 Questions:
How should we talk about spiritual warfare? How do I know if Satan is attacking me, or if it is my own sin?
Where did Jesus’ spirit go when he died?
How should I share the gospel of Jesus Christ with children in a way that doesn’t dilute its truth?
If aliens exist, does Jesus’ death and resurrection cover them?
Does the Holy Spirit dwell/work in Jesus in the same way He dwells/works in believers?
What do I do with passages where is looks like God changes his mind?
April 7th, 2024 Questions:
How is there no objective morality without the existence of God?
Why is true repentance necessary for salvaging and not considered a work that we have to do?
The Old Testament causes me to see God in a negative light. How do I tackle understanding the Old Testament without it negatively impacting my faith?
What are some practical tips to start meditating on God’s word?
Why did Candeo stop doing Easter productions?